{"id":118102,"date":"2021-12-09T08:22:09","date_gmt":"2021-12-09T02:52:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/quicktelecast.com\/a-terrifying-new-planet-with-oceans-of-lava-was-just-discovered\/"},"modified":"2021-12-09T08:22:09","modified_gmt":"2021-12-09T02:52:09","slug":"a-terrifying-new-planet-with-oceans-of-lava-was-just-discovered","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/quicktelecast.com\/a-terrifying-new-planet-with-oceans-of-lava-was-just-discovered\/","title":{"rendered":"A terrifying new planet with oceans of lava was just discovered"},"content":{"rendered":"



A new planet discovered by scientists<\/a> has oceans of lava covering its surface. The hellish planet is called GJ 367b, and it\u2019s roughly 30 light-years away from the Earth.<\/p>\n

The new planet is smaller than Earth \u2014 around three-quarters the size to be exact. That makes it larger than Mercury, but somewhat smaller than Mars. It\u2019s also believed to be as dense as pure iron. What makes this exoplanet so interesting, though, is scientists believe it to be a more extreme version of Mercury. That means it would mostly be a metallic core, with the rest of the world covered in molten lava oceans.<\/p>\n

This hellish planet has an eight-hour orbit<\/h2>\n